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Communications familieres non moins propres que tres utiles à la natio[n] Angloise desireuse & diseteuse du langage François par Gabriel Meurier = Familiare communications no leasse proppre then verrie proffytable to the Inglishe nation desirous and nedinge the Ffrenche language / by Gabriel Meurier.
Alternate title: Familiare communications no leasse proppre then verrie proffytable to the Inglishe nation desirous and nedinge the Ffrenche langauge.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 17847.4.
Meurier, Gabriel, d. 1587?. EEBO University of Illinois Library records - unstructured. [175] p. Antwerp: Chez Pier[re de?] Keerberghe sus le cemitiere Nostre Dame, al la Croix d'or, 1563.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 17847.4.
Meurier, Gabriel, d. 1587?. EEBO University of Illinois Library records - unstructured. [175] p. Antwerp: Chez Pier[re de?] Keerberghe sus le cemitiere Nostre Dame, al la Croix d'or, 1563.
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