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THE LIFE Of the Renowned Peter D'Aubusson, Grand Master of RHODES.
Containing Those Two Remarkable Sieges of Rhodes by Mahomet the Great, and Solyman the Magnificent, being lately added to compleat the Story adorn'd with the choicest Occurrences in the Turkish Empire at that Time.
LONDON, Printed for Geo. Wells, and Sam. Cair, Book-sellers in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1679.
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To the READER.
For the truth of what he writes, He informes ye where he had it; from an ancient Manuscript written
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by William Caoursin, Chancellour of the Order, who wrote nothing but what he was an eye-witness off. As also from several other original Papers which he found in Malta it self. Nor did he refuse the help of Khodgia Afendy, a Turk, who living at the same time, wrote a Relation of the Siege with a great deal of Justice to the high merits of the Grand Master.
Thus then the vigorous fury of Mahomet, the zealous and fortunate resistance of D'Aubusson, the misfortunes of Zizim, a pleasing yet melancholy variety, though inseparable from the story, being the Subjects of this Relation, 'tis something probable that they that seek either for instruction or divertisement, cannot fail of their expectation. However it is wholly left to them, to be either severe or Candid Judges, as they find most Reason.
The loss of Rhodes is added not only to compleat the story, but to revive the
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renown of the Great and Famous Villerius, who sustain'd the whole power of the manificent, Solyman till his Pride was quite tyr'd out....