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- The Apparitions of two new female Ghosts.
- The Copies of diuers Letters of late intercourse concerning Romish affaires.
- Speciall Indulgences purchased at Rome, granted to diuers English gentle-beleeuing Catholiques for their ready money.
- A Catalogue of English Nunnes of the late transportations within these two or three yeares.
By IOHN GEE, Master of Arts, late of Exon-Colledge in Oxford.
LONDON, Printed for Robert Mylbourne. 1624.
Unnumbered page
NEVV SHREDDS OF THE OLD SNARE broken by the foote of J. G.
The Induction.
Since the inditing and publishing of my former Booke, called, The Foote out of the Snare, I haue attained better information and knowledge of diverse particulars, which I thought fit to commend to publique view, for the better vnmasking of our Loiolan Mirabilaries, who as yet impudently persist to play their pranckes amongst vs. [1] Some snips of which their legerdemaine trickes, shufflingly twisted and deeply died in graine, here I display in a new Webbe for the e•king out the Curtaines of the tyring house of their former stage in array and manner as followeth.
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