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The spirituall Verses and Profe of James Hunt, which shall be plainly showne,
God hath lighted my Candle within his glorious Throne.
And now ye Clergie, I plainlie see and understand,
You say your Universities,
they are the two eyes of this Land.
Why then if your eyes be so clear that you can see,
I pray declare and show to mee,
who that Angel should bee.
But that deep misterie for you is yet too strong,
And for that cause,
you shall be taught by the English Tongue.
For the plain Plowman and Cavalier,
Whom God hath mounted on the Throne of grace;
He saith, ye Clergie, you shall be forced for to see clear,
You must give way and place.
But when I come within your Pulpit for to flie,
Ye Magistrates you say I am to proud
because I clime so high.
But Jesus Christ he hath made me as bold as a Lyon
for to stand up faithfull on his side,
And God my Father he 〈…〉 me
a powerfull Sw… 〈…〉 down the Clergies pride;
For you doe so many f•l•e Doctrines raise,
by your 〈◊〉 ton•ue and Greek phrase:
That now, by Gods helpe, the plain English tonguea
will winne the pr•ise.
It is written in the 7 h. Chapter of the Revelation, and the 17. verse; The Lambe which is in the midst of the Throne, he shall load the people on to the living Fountaines of waters. And Father, Sonne, and holy Ghost, they are the glorious and heavenly fountaines, from which the waters of life doth freely spring and flow: For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost, and these three are one: And now ye Clergy, I hope ye all know, the Word doth signifie Christ Jesus, who is the second person in Trinitie, and Father, Sonne, and holy Ghost, they are one in God head and one in Unitie. And Jesus Christ he doth tell you, in the one and twentieth Chapter of the Revelation,