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Tutela sanitatis sive Vita protracta The protection of long life, and detection of its brevity, from diætetic causes and common customs. Hygiastic præcautions and rules appropriate to the constitutions of bodyes; and various discrasyes or passions of minde; dayly to be observed for the preservation of health and prolongation of life. With a treatise of fontinells or issues. Whereunto is annexed Bellum necessarium sive Medicus belligerans the military or practical physitian reveiwing his armory: furnished with medic[i]nal weapons and munition against the secret invaders of life; fitted for all persons and assaults; with their safe and regular use, according to medical art and discipline by Everard Maynwaring doctor in physick.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing (CD-ROM, 1996) / M1516A.
Maynwaringe, Everard, 1628-1699?. EEBO Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine Library records - unstructured. [24], 120 p. London: printed by Peter Lillicrap. And sold by S. Thompson stationer at the Bishops head in St. Pauls Church-yard: T. Basset stationer under St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, 1663.
Maynwaringe, Everard, 1628-1699?. EEBO Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine Library records - unstructured. [24], 120 p. London: printed by Peter Lillicrap. And sold by S. Thompson stationer at the Bishops head in St. Pauls Church-yard: T. Basset stationer under St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, 1663.
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