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Colloquia et dictionariolum octo linguarum, Latinæ, Gallicæ, Belgicæ, Teutonicæ, Hispanicæ, Italicæ, Anglicæ, et Portvgallicæ ... Colloques ou dialogues, auec vn dictionaire en huict langages, Latin, Flamen, Francois, Alleman, Espaignol, Italien, Anglois, & Portuguez ... = Colloquien oft t'samensprekinghen, met eenen vocabulaer in acht spraken, Latijn, Francois, Nederduytsch, Hoochduytsch, Spaens, Italiaensch, Enghels ende Portugies ...
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 1431.30.
Anonymous. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [402] p. Antwerp: Apud Henrievm Aertsens, 1630.
Anonymous. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [402] p. Antwerp: Apud Henrievm Aertsens, 1630.
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