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A dayly exercise of the devout Christian containing several moving practices of piety; in order to live holily, and dy happily. Publish'd by T.V. monk, of the holy order of St. Benedict.
Alternate title: Dayly exercise of the devout Rosarists
Bibliographic name/number: Wing (CD-ROM, 1996) / C7409E.
T. V. 1604-1681. EEBO Newberry Library records - unstructured. [64], 446, [2] p. London: printed for Matthew Turner, at the sign of the Lamb, in Holborn, 1688.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing (CD-ROM, 1996) / C7409E.
T. V. 1604-1681. EEBO Newberry Library records - unstructured. [64], 446, [2] p. London: printed for Matthew Turner, at the sign of the Lamb, in Holborn, 1688.
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