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Antiquam exquirite matrem, Virgil.
Judge yee what I say, Acts Apostles.
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To the Lady TEMPEST.
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the short course of life, heape up to themselves a sort of Opinions and Passions, and make them the faithlesse guides of their lives, of which though they highly esteeme, yet doe they but dwell under those barren Hills which are never without Clouds and Showres discending thence: And who would for the love of that, which in a moment perishes, refuse to professe that, which will bestow on him Eternity; and in a confusion of all humane things, will render him a felicity solid and durable? I shall shew you what Port my Thoughts have arrived at, to escape the stormes of Error, and from thence to despise the severall Winds of Doctrine with which Men are much tost, but never Saile; and through the diversity of Opinions, halfe of them Pray for those Winds, whereby the rest are Drowned. The name of Rome, but once Named, some Mens minds become surcharged with the apprehensions of Superstition, Conspiracy; and what evills throng not into
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their conquerd Imagination? whereas they being got out of the Magicke Circle of parties, (where their minds are Conjured with the Devill of Faction) they finde that to be the place, which did commend...