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Speculum perspicuum Uranicum, or, An almanack for the year of our redemption, 1686 being the 2d. after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5653 years ... : wherein is contained, a true description of the year, and of the several parts thereof, with a true account of such eclipses as will happen this year : as also the true place of the sun and moon, with their rising and setting, and the moon's southing, with several necessary tables ... calculated for the meridian of the ancient and famous city of London ... / collected and published by Lancelot Coelson ...
Alternate title: Speculum perspicuum Uranicum.; Almanack for the year of our redemption, 1686.; Coelson, 1686.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / A1433.
Coelson, Lancelot, 1627-ca 1687. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [48] p. London: Printed by A. Grover for the Company of Stationers, 1686.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / A1433.
Coelson, Lancelot, 1627-ca 1687. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [48] p. London: Printed by A. Grover for the Company of Stationers, 1686.
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