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A strange and true relation of a young woman possest with the Devill. By name Joyce Dovey, dwelling at Bewdley neer Worcester. With a particular of her actions, and how the evill spirit speakes within her, giving fearefull answers unto those ministers and others that come to discourse with her. As it was certified in a letter from Mr. Iames Dalton unto Mr. Tho. Groome, ironmonger over-against Sepulchres Church in London. Also a letter from Cambridge, wherein is related the late conference between the Devil (in the shape of a Mr. of Arts) and one Ashbourner a scholler of S. Johns Colledge, neer Trinity Conduit-Head, a mile from Cambridge , who was afterward carried away by him, and never heard of since, onely his gown found in the river.
Alternate title: Letter from Cambridge, wherein is related the late conference between the Devil (in the shape of a Mr. of Arts) and one Ashbourner, a scholler of S. Johns Colledge.
Bibliographic name/number: Thomason / E.367[4]; Wing (2nd ed., 1994) / D142.
Dalton, James, 17th cent. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [2], 6 p. London: by E.P. for Tho. Vere at the upper end of the Old-Bailey, 1646.
Bibliographic name/number: Thomason / E.367[4]; Wing (2nd ed., 1994) / D142.
Dalton, James, 17th cent. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [2], 6 p. London: by E.P. for Tho. Vere at the upper end of the Old-Bailey, 1646.
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