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A blow at modern sadducism in some philosophical considerations about witchcraft. And the relation of the famed disturbance at the house of M. Mompesson. With reflections on drollery, and atheisme. / By Jos. Glanvill fellow of the Royal Society..
Alternate title: Palpable evidence of spirits and witchcraft.; Philosophical endeavor in the defence of the being of witches.; Whip for the droll.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / G800.
Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [28], 183, [12] p. London: Printed by E. Cotes for James Collins at the Kings Head in Westminster-Hall,,, 1668.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / G800.
Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [28], 183, [12] p. London: Printed by E. Cotes for James Collins at the Kings Head in Westminster-Hall,,, 1668.
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