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[Figure: Charles ye. 2d. was proclaymed King of great Britain France & Ireland at Worcester. 23d Aug: 1651.
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Boscobel: OR, THE HISTORY OF HIS Sacred Majesties Most miraculous Preservation After the Battle of WORCESTER, 3. Sept. 1651.
JOEL. 1. 2.
Hear this ye Old men, and give ear all ye Inhabitants of the Land: Has this been in your dayes, or in the dayes of your Fathers?
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And, as in the conduct of a great part of this greatest Affair, it pleased God (the more to endear his mercies) to make choice of many very little, though fit
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Instruments: So has my weakness, by this happy President, been encourag'd, to hope it not unsuitable for me to relate, what the wisest King thought proper for them to act; wherein yet I humbly beg Your Majesties pardon, being conscious to my self of my utter incapacity to expresse, either Your unparallel'd Valour in the day of Contending, or (which is a vertue far less usual for Kings) Your strong and even Mind in the time of Your Sufferings.
From which sublime Endowments of Your most Heroick Majesty I derive these comforts to my self, That whoever undertakes to reach at Your Perfections, must fall short as well as I, though not so much: And while I depend on Your Royal Clemency more than others, I am more obliged to be
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