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Culpeper's semeiotica uranica, or, An astrological judgment of diseases, from the decumbiture of the sick, much enlarged 1. from Aven Ezra by way of introduction, 2. from Nowel Duret by way of direction : wherein is laid down the way and manner of finding out the cause, change, and end of the disease : also whether the sick be likely to live or die, and the time when recovery or death is to be expected : with the signs of life or death by the body of the sick party, according to the judgment of Hippocrates : whereunto is added, a table of logistical logarithmes, to find the exact time of the crisis, Hermes Trismeglstus upon the first decumbiture of the sick, the wing, the signs and conjectures of the disease, and of life and death by the good or evil position of the moon at the time of the patients lying down, or demanding the question, infallible signs to know of what complexion any person is whatsoever with a compendious treatise of urine / by Nicholas Culpeper ...
Alternate title: Semeiotica uranica; Prognostica.; Semeiotica uranica.; Astrological judgment of diseases from the decumbiture of the sick.; Urinalia, or, A treatise of the crisis hapning to the urine.; Culpeper's Astrologicall judgment of diseases.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / C7548A.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [14], 224, [6] p., [2] p. of plates :. London: Printed for N. Brook ..., and are to be sold by Benj. Billingsley .., 1671.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / C7548A.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [14], 224, [6] p., [2] p. of plates :. London: Printed for N. Brook ..., and are to be sold by Benj. Billingsley .., 1671.
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