The Black Dutch ALMANACK OR Predictions and Astronimocall Observations fore-shewing what will further happen to the King of Scots and other Kings and Commonwealths, from the aspects and conjunctions of the Planets in their Quotidian motions.
Also A new Prophesy sound in Dutch, foretelling of a great fleet of ships and of Danes Sweds, &c. to be seen this present year 1652. and bloody fights by Sea and Land, with variety of other matter concerning the English, the Hollander and the French.
[Figure: printer's device consisting of the goddess Diana wearing a moon crown with her bow, arrow, and dog ]
Dec. 4. Print at Amsterdam, and reprinted at London by J. Clowes 1651.
Unnumbered page
〈1 page duplicate〉
Unnumbered page
Generall Astromicall Calculations for the ensuing year 1652. foretelling what will happen to Charles Stuart King of Scots, Lewis King of France, John King of Portugall, &c.
FRom the influence of the Celestiall bodyes the last years black Almanack foretold the dreadfull flaughter of the Scots Nation in the Moneth of September then following, and what we have seen to befall their King at the same time. in like manner the same Author hath taken upon him to draw some conclusions out of the rules of Astronamy, to shew what will be the chief undertakings of him, and severall other Kings this yeare, as you shall find it set down in the Predictions for every Moneth. And although you have already severall sorts of Diviners in this kind, which speak more like unto the answers from the heathen Oracles, then to the understanding of the people, yet that which is here performed (not dispising others) is done in such familiar words, and by such a rule of certainty as will not
Slightly be condemned for falshood, or like a nose o• wax with a little help be turned any way. There is a Dutch Prophesie written many yeares since by one John Flusheers a man of great learning, lately come to light in these words in English;
A King for are shall flye a pace o're Brittains fields with feare.
When two Eclips in one moneth shall happen to appeare.
To Holland then for succour hee shall seek to make escape.