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Currently, the genus Sphyraena (barracudas) is thought to contain 27 species world-wide, with a distribution spanning temperate and tropical regions (Eschmeyer, 2008). Individuals within this genus are typically found in shelf waters ranging to a depth of approximately 100 m (Robins & Ray, 1986; Fischer et al., 1987; de Silva, 1990; Demestre et al., 2000). There appears to be some ontogenetic separation, however, with young individuals found in shallow waters (often > 1 m) (Okiyama, 1988) forming numerous small schools, while adults tend to be solitary (de Silva, 1975; de Silva & Williams, 1986; Gasparini & Floeter, 2001; Barreiros et al., 2002).
In the Mediterranean Sea the genus Sphyraena comprises four species: (1) the lessepsian Sphyraena chrysotaenia (Klunzinger, 1884) (Spicer, 1931; Ben-Tuvia, 1971, 1986; Golani & Ben-Tuvia, 1995; Pallaoro & Dulcic, 2001); (2) S. flavicauda (Rüppell, 1838) (Golani, 1992; Bilecenoglu et al., 2002); and two Atlantic-Mediterranean species; (3) S. sphyraena (Linnaeus, 1758); and (4) S. viridensis (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829) (George et al., 1971; Tortonese, 1975; Miniconi, 1980; de Silva, 1990; Bizsel & Cihangir, 1996; Ralini & Orsi Ralini, 1997; Vacchi et al., 1999). Building on this long-established classification, this study puts forward morphological evidence for the existence of a previously undocumented fifth species within the region.
Study sites and sample collection
Between July and October 2003 and May to November 2004, 78 barracudas were captured through a range of fishing techniques (gill-nets, trawl nets, seining and 'lampara' engine) in the Gulf of Taranto in the Mediterranean Sea at five sites: (1) Metaponto (40°22[variant prime]2643''N-16° 5[variant prime]5553''E); (2) Taranto (40°23[variant prime]54 82''N-17°10[variant prime]56 63''E); (3) Torre Columena (40°17[variant prime]33 05''N-17° 44[variant prime]32 62''E); (4) Porto Cesareo (40°15[variant prime]16 98''N-17° 5[variant prime]45 95''E); and (5) Gallipoli (40°02[variant prime]38 10''N-17°55[variant prime]40 44''E) (Figure 1).
Fig. 1.
The fishing sites of barracudas in the Gulf of Taranto: Metaponto (1); Taranto (2); Torre Colimena (3); Porto Cesareo (4); Gallipoli (5).
Of these specimens collected, 28 individuals (15 males, 12 females and 1 juvenile without secondary sexual characteristics) were identified as S. sphyraena, 36 as S. viridensis (19 males and 17 females), with 19 individuals (6 males, 7 females and 6 juveniles)...