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Shewing, How she Bewitch'd a Child, and rock'd the Cradle in the likenesse of a Cat; how she frighted a Baker; and how the Devil often came to suck her, sometimes in the likeness of a Dog, and at other times like a Squirrel.
Together, With the Confession of Prudence Lee, who was burnt in Smithfield on Saturday the 10th. of this instant for the murthering her Husband; and her Admonition and Counsel to all her Sex in general.
London, Printed for T•. Spring 1652.
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There are two sorts of Witches, which the Vulgar people distinguish by the names of the Good Witch, (I wonder how that can be,) and the Bad; by reason, when one bewitcheth a party, the other unwitcheth him again: Now this Joan Peterson, it should seem, was both; for as it was clearly proved, that she had done much mischief, so there were divers that came to witnesse that she had cured them of several diseases, amongst the rest I heard one of them say, that he had been so grievously troubled with the Headache, that he could take no rest for 5 Weeks together, and that he had made tryal of many Doctors, but could have no redress, and comming to Peterson, she gave him...