Full Text
Compendiously compiled by Iohn Iones Phisition.
ANNO SALVTIS. 1572. At Asple Hall besydes Nottingam.
Printed at London for william Iones: and are to be solde at his new long Shop at the west dore of Pauls Church. 13. Maij.
Unnumbered page
TO THE RIGHT HONOrable, Henry Earle of Penbrooke, Lord Herbert of Kayerdid. &c.
Hieronymus Montuus therefore in his epistle to Anasceue morborum, dedicated to Henry the last French Kinge to whom hee was not onely cheefe Phisicion, but also one of his priuie counsaill, affirmeth that of all sortes, Phisike is to bee embraced, and of them cheefely which are endued with honorable dignities, and waightie affaires of the common wealth. For, as wysedome (sister to Phisicke) dooth deliuer the mynde from euill affectes, and maketh vs to liue for euer in perpetuall ioye with aungelles: So Phisike maintayneth health, and expelleth sicknesses from the body, makinge vs liue a longe and lustie lyfe, as Galen in his workes▪ De sanitate tuenda, most reasonablie teacheth.
Furthermore, vnderstanding, Science, and al actiuities, by health are encreased, as by sicknesse the contrary of necessitie ensueth, wherof (my good Lord) it behoueth all men too haue a due consideration, which be louers of vertue and honestie, and for their sakes loue things that be best. For when the state of the body is sicklie affected, the partes not doinge...