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The prymer in Englyshe, and Latyn wyth the Epystles and Gospelles: of euerye Sonday, [and] holye daye in the yere and also the exposycion vpon Miserere mei deus. wyth many other prayers
Alternate title: Book of hours.; Expositio in psalmos Misere me Deus. English.; Expositio in psalmum In te Domine speravi. English.; Expositio in psalmos Misere me Deus. English.; Expositio in psalmum In te Domine speravi. English.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 16027.
Anonymous; Church of England. EEBO Cambridge University Library records - unstructured. [148]; xliij, [1] leaves. London: By [Richard Grafton for] Roberte Toye. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, 1542.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 16027.
Anonymous; Church of England. EEBO Cambridge University Library records - unstructured. [148]; xliij, [1] leaves. London: By [Richard Grafton for] Roberte Toye. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, 1542.
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