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The pleasauntest workes of George Gascoigne Esquyre newlye compyled into one volume, that is to say: his flowers, hearbes, weedes, the fruites of warre, the comedie called Supposes, the tragedie of Iocasta, the Steele glasse, the complaint of Phylomene, the storie of Ferdinando Ieronimi, and the pleasure at Kenelworth Castle.
Alternate title: Hundreth sundrie flowres bounde up in one small poesie.; Steele glas.
Bibliographic name/number: Pforzheimer / 406; STC (2nd ed.) / 11639.
Gascoigne, George, 1542?-1577. EEBO Folger Shakespeare Library records - unstructured. [32], 158, [2]; [4], 77 p. 78-107 leaves, 108-173, [3], 175-296 p., [4], 291-306 leaves, 307-216 [i.e. 310], [7], 217 [i.e. 317]-351, [1]; [67] p. London: imprinted by Abell Ieffes [for R. Smith], dwelling in the Fore Streéte, without Creéplegate, neere vnto Grubstreete, 1587.
Bibliographic name/number: Pforzheimer / 406; STC (2nd ed.) / 11639.
Gascoigne, George, 1542?-1577. EEBO Folger Shakespeare Library records - unstructured. [32], 158, [2]; [4], 77 p. 78-107 leaves, 108-173, [3], 175-296 p., [4], 291-306 leaves, 307-216 [i.e. 310], [7], 217 [i.e. 317]-351, [1]; [67] p. London: imprinted by Abell Ieffes [for R. Smith], dwelling in the Fore Streéte, without Creéplegate, neere vnto Grubstreete, 1587.
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