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The rise, growth, and danger of Socinianisme together with a plaine discovery of a desperate designe of corrupting the Protestant religion, whereby it appeares that the religion which hath been so violently contended for (by the Archbishop of Canterbury and his adherents) is not the true pure Protestant religion, but an hotchpotch of Arminianisme, Socinianisme and popery : it is likewise made evident, that the atheists, Anabaptists, and sectaries so much complained of, have been raised or encouraged by the doctrines and practises of the Arminian, Socinian and popish party / by Fr. Cheynell ...
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / C3815.
Cheynell, Francis, 1608-1665. EEBO Thomason Collection, British Library records - unstructured. [8], 75 [i.e.79] p. London: Printed for Samuel Gellibrand .., 1643.
Cheynell, Francis, 1608-1665. EEBO Thomason Collection, British Library records - unstructured. [8], 75 [i.e.79] p. London: Printed for Samuel Gellibrand .., 1643.
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