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An learned commentarie vpon the Reuelation of Saint Iohn wherein both the course of the whole booke, as also the more abstruse and hard places thereof, are more cleerly and euidently explaned then heretofore they haue bene. Newly corrected, and the defectes and errors of the first edition, supplied & amended. By Patrik Forbes of Cotharis Whereunto is added an profitable treatise of the author, in defence of the lawfull calling of the ministers of reformed churches, against the cauillations of Romanistes: and an epistle to a recusant, cleering and maintayning some pointes of the said treatise, chalenged by a Roman Elymas Bar-Iesus-it.
Alternate title: exquisite commentarie upon the Revelation of Saint John; Offer maid to a gentilman of qualitie
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 11150.
Forbes, Patrick, 1564-1635. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [28], 256, [16]; [6], 66; 30, 25, [1] p. Middelburg: by Richard Schilders, dwelling in the langen Delft at the signe of the Olyphant, 1614.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 11150.
Forbes, Patrick, 1564-1635. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [28], 256, [16]; [6], 66; 30, 25, [1] p. Middelburg: by Richard Schilders, dwelling in the langen Delft at the signe of the Olyphant, 1614.
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