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A ryght frutefull monycion, co[n]cernynge the ordre of a good chrysten mannes lyfe very profytable for all maner of estates [and] other to beholde and loke vpon. Made by the famouse doctour Colete sometyme deane at Paules. Cum priuilegio regali.
Alternate title: Right fruitful admonition concerning the order of a good Christian man's life.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 5547.
Colet, John, 1467?-1519. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [16] p. London: By Robert copland, for Johan Byddell, otherwyse Salysbury. the. vij. day of Ianuary, and be for to sell at the sygne of our lady of pyte nexte to flete brydge, 1534.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 5547.
Colet, John, 1467?-1519. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [16] p. London: By Robert copland, for Johan Byddell, otherwyse Salysbury. the. vij. day of Ianuary, and be for to sell at the sygne of our lady of pyte nexte to flete brydge, 1534.
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