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The voyage and trauaile of M. Cæsar Frederick, merchant of Venice, into the East India, the Indies, and beyond the Indies. Wherein are contained very pleasant and rare matters, with the customes and rites of those countries. Also, heerein are discovered the merchandises and commodities of those countreyes, aswell the aboundaunce of goulde and siluer, as spices, drugges, pearles, and other jewelles. Written at sea in the Hercules of London: comming from Turkie, the 25. of March. 1588. For the profitabvle instruction of merchants and all other trauellers for their better direction and knowledge of those countreyes. Out of Italian, by T H.
Alternate title: Viagge de M. Cesare de i Federici, nell' India Orientale, et oltra l'India.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 10746. Federici, Cesare.
EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured.
[3], 41 [i.e. 40] leaves. London:
Printed by Richard Iones and Edward White, 1588.