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Ephemeris absoluta an almanack astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord God, 1698, and from the world's creation, 5647, being the second after bissextile, or leap-year ... : accommodated and referred properly to the meridian of the honourable city of London ... yet it may indifferently serve any part of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland / by Daniel Woodward ...
Alternate title: Almanack astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord God 1698.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / A2887.
Woodward, Daniel, fl. 1682-1700. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [48] p. London: Printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, 1698.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / A2887.
Woodward, Daniel, fl. 1682-1700. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [48] p. London: Printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, 1698.
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