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The introduction to the true understanding of the whole arte of expedition in teaching to write Intermixed with rare discourses of other matters, to shew the possibilitie of skill in teaching, and probabilitie of successe in learning, to write in 6. hours. Which tending all to one end, doe serve for two uses. 1. If authors doe excell others in their owne artes, why may not this author excell others in his arte. 2. For removing a vulgare opinion against his native countrey of Scotland, he sheweth that it hath moe excellent prerogatives than any other Kingdome. Whereby it will rather follow, that a Scotishman is so much the more able to prosecute whatsoever hee undertaketh, and therefore so much the more to bee respected, by how so much he is more ingenuous than one of another nation.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 3904. Browne, David, fl. 1622-1638.
EEBO British Library records - unstructured.
[42] p. London, Edinburgh:
T. Harper [in London] and J. Wreittoun [in Edinburgh]], 1638.