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Fire from heauen Burning the body of one Iohn Hittchell of Holne-hurst, within the parish of Christ-church, in the county of South-hampton the 26. of Iune last 1613. who by the same was consumed to ashes, and no fire seene, lying therein smoaking and smothering three dayes and three nights, not to bequenched [sic] by water, nor the help of mans hand. VVith the lamentable burning of his house and one childe, and the grieuous scorching of his wife: with the birth of a monster, and many other strange things hapning about the same time: the like was neuer seene nor heard of. Written by Iohn Hilliard preacher of the word of life in Sopley. Reade and tremble. With the fearefull burning of the towne of Dorchester vpon friday the 6. of August last 1613.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 13507.
Hilliard, John, preacher of the word of life in Sopley. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [24] p. London: [By E. Allde] for Iohn Trundle, and are to be sold at his shop in Barby can [sic] at the signe of Nobody, 1613.
Hilliard, John, preacher of the word of life in Sopley. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [24] p. London: [By E. Allde] for Iohn Trundle, and are to be sold at his shop in Barby can [sic] at the signe of Nobody, 1613.
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