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The mystery of Christ opened and applyed In several sermons, concerning the person, office, and glory of Jesus Christ. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in N. England.
Bibliographic name/number: Evans 416; Wing (2nd ed.) / M1229.
Mather, Increase, 1639-1723. EEBO Undetermined source library records - unstructured. [4], 6, 74, [2], 75-212, [2] p. , [1] leaf of plates :. Boston (Mass.): s.n.], 1686.
Mather, Increase, 1639-1723. EEBO Undetermined source library records - unstructured. [4], 6, 74, [2], 75-212, [2] p. , [1] leaf of plates :. Boston (Mass.): s.n.], 1686.
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