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Tvvo petitions of the sequestred clergie of England and Wales One, to the Kings most excellent Majestie: the other, to Sir Thomas Fairfax. With the declaration of the Generall, and his Councell of Warre thereupon. As also, His Majesties proclamation against intruding into other mens cures, and detaining their tythes.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing (2nd ed.) / T3516A.
Anonymous. EEBO Harvard University Library records - unstructured. [2], 6 p. London: printed for Richard Royston, at the signe of the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1647.
Anonymous. EEBO Harvard University Library records - unstructured. [2], 6 p. London: printed for Richard Royston, at the signe of the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1647.
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