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OR, The way to be safe in a case of danger.
Published By Ier. Dike, Minister of Epping in Essex.
PSAL. 18. 2.
The Lord is my Rocke, and my high Tower.
August. in Psal. 60.
Ipse Christus est Turris, ipse nobis factus est Turris à facie Inimici: cave ne feriaris a diabolo, fuge ad Turrim. Ibi stabis munitus, & fixus. Quomodo autem fugies ad Turrim? Ante te est Turris, Recordare Christum, & Intra in Turrim.
Nec facile inveniuntur in adversitate praesidia, quae non fuerunt in pace quaesita.
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TO THE Right Honourable and vertuously ennobled Lady; the Lady KATHERIN WENTVVORTH, my singular good Lady.
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weepeth bearing precious seed, or the seed basket, shall doubtlesse come againe with rejoycing, bringing his sheaves with him. There is a winter and a [3] summer. Loe the winter is past, the raine is over, and gone. The flowers appeare on the earth, the time of the singing of the Birds is come. There is a day and a night. The morning was come, but the night also doth come: thou hadst a time of prosperity, but [4] now affliction is comming upon thee, saies the Prophet to Edom. Now as it is a matter of comfort that may support our spirits in a wette seed-time, in a cold winter, in a darke night, that a joyfull harvest, a warme...