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A most necessary & frutefull dialogue, betwene [the] seditious libertin or rebel Anabaptist, & the true obedient christia[n] wherin, as in a mirrour or glasse ye shal se [the] excellencte and worthynesse of a christia[n] magistrate: & again what obedience is due vnto publique rulers of all th[os]e [that] professe Christ yea, though [the] rulers, in externe & outward thinges, to their vtter dampnatyon, do otherwyse then well: translated out of Latyn into Englishe, by Iho[n] Veron Senonoys.
Alternate title: Von dem unverschampten Fräfel der Widertöuffer. Selections
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 4068.
Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575. EEBO Folger Shakespeare Library records - unstructured. [88] p. Worcester: Imprynted the third daye of Aprill. Anno. Do. 1551. At Worceter in ye hygh strete, by Ihon Oswen. They be also to sell at Shrewesbury. Cum priuligio ad imprimendum solum, 1551.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 4068.
Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575. EEBO Folger Shakespeare Library records - unstructured. [88] p. Worcester: Imprynted the third daye of Aprill. Anno. Do. 1551. At Worceter in ye hygh strete, by Ihon Oswen. They be also to sell at Shrewesbury. Cum priuligio ad imprimendum solum, 1551.
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