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The question of witchcraft debated, or, A discourse against their opinion that affirm witches considered and enlarged / by the author John Wagstaffe.
Alternate title: Philopseudae.; Philopseudeis.; Discourse against their opinion that affirm witches.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / W199.
Wagstaffe, John, 1633-1677. EEBO Burke Library, Union Theological Seminary records - unstructured. [12], 198 [i.e. 196] p. London: Printed for Edw. Millington .., 1671.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / W199.
Wagstaffe, John, 1633-1677. EEBO Burke Library, Union Theological Seminary records - unstructured. [12], 198 [i.e. 196] p. London: Printed for Edw. Millington .., 1671.
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