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C.C. The Covenanter vindicated from perjurie, vvherin is fully cleared, that it's no perjury, for him to yet doubt, whether the classicall coercive Presbyterian government of churches, be jure divino; albeit hee hath taken the late nationall covenant. Though this puriurie be injuriously charged upon him in a ly-tell'd by Adam Stevert, in his calumnious answer to the Coole conference, most falsely calling it a libell. Replyed to, by a Friend to the Coole conference, concisely clearing diverse materiall things, some of which the reader hath presented to him in a briefe catalogue in the next page. This is licenced, and entered, according to order.
Alternate title: Answer to a libell intituled A coole conference betweene the cleered Reformation and the Apologeticall narration
Bibliographic name/number: Thomason / E.44[20]; Wing (2nd ed., 1994) / C176.
Friend to the Coole Conference. EEBO Thomason Collection, British Library records - unstructured. [6], 90 p. London: printed by T. Paine, 1644.
Bibliographic name/number: Thomason / E.44[20]; Wing (2nd ed., 1994) / C176.
Friend to the Coole Conference. EEBO Thomason Collection, British Library records - unstructured. [6], 90 p. London: printed by T. Paine, 1644.
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