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The admirable historie of the possession and conuersion of a penitent woman Seduced by a magician that made her to become a witch, and the princes of sorcerers in the country of Prouince, who was brought to S. Baume to be exorcised, in the yeere 1610. in the moneth of Nouember, by the authority of the reuerend father, and frier, Sebastian Michaëlis, priour of the Couent Royall of S. Magdalene at Saint Maximin, and also of the said place of Saint Baume. Who appointed the Reuerend Father, Frier Francis Domptius, Doctor of Diuinity, in the Vniuersity of Louaine ... for the exorcismes and recollection of the acts. / All faithfully set downe, and fully verified. Whereunto is annexed a pneumology, or discourse of spirits made by the said Father Michaëlis, and by him reuiewed, corrected, and enlarged; together with an explanatory apology of the many difficulties touching this history and the annotations. Translated into English by W.B.
Alternate title: Histoire admirable de la possession et conversion d'une penitente.; Discourse of spirits.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 17854a.
Michaelis, Sébastien, 1543?-1618. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [54], 418, [10], 154, [34] p. London: Imprinted [by Felix Kingston] for William Aspley, 1613.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 17854a.
Michaelis, Sébastien, 1543?-1618. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [54], 418, [10], 154, [34] p. London: Imprinted [by Felix Kingston] for William Aspley, 1613.
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