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An ordination and declaration of both Houses of Parliament sent to the lord maior of London for the religious observation of the Lords Day commonly called Sunday and a command from the maior directed to all church-wardens and constables in every ward in the city of London for the due execution thereof : also concerning the election of certaine new captaines chosen for the security of the city in these dangerous times with the names of the said captaines chosen for the new militia : also a relation of a late tumult happening in Chancery Lane by certaine Gentlemen of Lincolnes-Inne to the great disturbance and amazement of all the inhabitants.
Alternate title: Relation of a late tumult hapning in Chancery-Lane by certaine gentlemen of Lincones-Inne.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / E2117.
Anonymous; England and Wales. EEBO Undetermined source library records - unstructured. 8 p. London: Printed for Iohn Hawes, 1642.
Bibliographic name/number: Wing / E2117.
Anonymous; England and Wales. EEBO Undetermined source library records - unstructured. 8 p. London: Printed for Iohn Hawes, 1642.
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