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Aaron's rod blossoming, or, The orthodox government of the Church of England by bishops, presbiters, and deacons, asserted from the practice of the apostles, the testimony of councils, synods, fathers and doctors, from the apostles time to this day ...
Alternate title: Aaron's rod blossoming.; Orthodox government of the Church of England.
Bibliographic name/number: Arber's Term cat. / I 414; Wing / A43.
Anonymous. EEBO Burke Library, Union Theological Seminary records - unstructured. [9], 31 p. London: Printed for Richard Butler .., 1680.
Bibliographic name/number: Arber's Term cat. / I 414; Wing / A43.
Anonymous. EEBO Burke Library, Union Theological Seminary records - unstructured. [9], 31 p. London: Printed for Richard Butler .., 1680.
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