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The secretes of the reuerend Maister Alexis of Piemont Containing excellent remedies against diuers diseases, woundes, and other accidentes, with the maner to make distillations, parfumes, consitures, dyinges, colours, fussions, and meltinges. A worke well approued, verye profitable and necessarie for euerye man. Newely corrected and amended, and also somewhat enlarged in certaine places, whiche wanted in the fyrst edition. Translated oute of Frenche into Englyshe, by William Warde.
Alternate title: Secreti. Part 1.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 296.
Ruscelli, Girolamo, d. ca. 1565. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [6], 122, [10] leaves. London: By Rouland Hall, for Nycolas England, dwellynge in Pater noster rowe, 1562.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 296.
Ruscelli, Girolamo, d. ca. 1565. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [6], 122, [10] leaves. London: By Rouland Hall, for Nycolas England, dwellynge in Pater noster rowe, 1562.
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