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JUST WHAT the world needs: another Unix.
Last week, IBM Corp., Intel Corp. and The Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) pledged to build another flavor of the Unix operating system for Intel's architecture. And Sun Microsystems Inc. unveiled the latest version of Solaris, its Unix variation for Intel and SPARC chips.
Hoping to generate business for ISVs, OEMs and VARs, IBM is driving development of a Unix for Intel's IA-64 CPU using IBM's AIX operating system along with technology from Santa Cruz, Calif.-based SCO and Sequent Computer Systems Inc.
The 64-bit operating system, code-named Project Monterey, is expected to ship within 18 months, said executives from IBM, Armonk, N.Y. IBM also plans to transfer AIX technology to SCO's UnixWare and promote it in the Unix IA-32 market. The end result should be a Unix product line for IA-32, IA-64 and IBM microprocessors in computers that run the gamut from desktops to large enterprise systems.
SCO is key because...