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ABSTRACT: Mountainous South Kivu has potential but its exploitation is subject to constraints of various kinds. The living conditions of households are bad. Poverty affects more than seven out of ten households. The majority of the population works in agriculture, but income they derive from it is considered insignificant. This study presents the results of an analysis of food security factors in 288 households in Kabare, Kaziba, Luhwinja and Ngweshe. It took place in the first half of 2018. In this study area, food production is confirmed to be insufficient and can't ensure food self-sufficiency. The majority of households own land ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 ha (43.1% of households); the external dependence of households is high (on average 9 months of deficiency); only 12.7% of households receive food aid; income is estimated at $ 0.7 / person / day; the available infrastructure is faulty and insufficient; the households take 2 meals a day (morning and evening) considered unbalanced but in sufficient quantity; the probability of having malnourished children aged 0-5 years is 16%, while acute malnutrition is 33%, compared with severe malnutrition of 22.3% for an estimated food insecure population of 55%. , 3%. This situation is exacerbated by climate disruptions and significant distortions in agricultural product markets. Therefore, it is recommended to support and support in an efficient and effective way the revival of agropastoral production which must be at the center of the provincial strategy of food security. However, no agricultural and pastoral revival will be possible without a more active presence of the State.
KEYWORDS: Food availability, access to food, food use, malnutrition, resilience.
RÉSUMÉ: Le Sud-Kivu montagneux dispose de potentialités mais leur exploitation est soumise a diverses contraintes. Les conditions de vie des ménages y sont précaires. La pauvreté touche plus de sept ménages sur dix. La majorité de la population travaille dans l'agriculture mais les revenus qu'elle en tire sont insignifiants. Cette étude, faite au premier semestre 2018, présente les résultats d'une analyse des facteurs de la sécurité alimentaire au sein de 288 ménages a Kabare, Kaziba, Luhwinja et Ngweshe. Elle a constaté que les productions vivrieres y sont insuffisantes et ne peuvent assurer l'autosuffisance alimentaire. La majorité des ménages possedent des terres d'une superficie comprise entre 0,1...