
Spreading rumors on the Internet has become increasingly pervasive due to the proliferation of online social media. This paper investigates how rumors are amplified by a group of users who share similar interests or views, dubbed as an echo chamber. To this end, we identify and analyze ‘rumor’ echo chambers, each of which is a group of users who have participated in propagating common rumors. By collecting and analyzing 125 recent rumors from six popular fact-checking sites, and their associated 289,202 tweets/retweets generated by 176,362 users, we find that the rumors that are spread by rumor echo chamber members tend to be more viral and quickly propagated than those that are not spread by echo chamber members. We propose the notion of an echo chamber network that represents relations among rumor echo chambers. By identifying the hub rumor echo chambers (in terms of connectivity to other rumor echo chambers) in the echo chamber network, we show that the top 10% of hub rumor echo chambers contribute to propagation of 24% rumors by eliciting more than 36% of retweets, implying that core rumor echo chambers significantly contribute to rumor spreads.


Rumor Propagation is Amplified by Echo Chambers in Social Media
Choi Daejin 1 ; Chun Selin 2 ; Oh Hyunchul 2 ; Han, Jinyoung 3 ; Kwon Ted “Taekyoung” 2 

 School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA 
 Seoul National University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea (GRID:grid.31501.36) (ISNI:0000 0004 0470 5905) 
 Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Seoul, Republic of Korea (GRID:grid.264381.a) (ISNI:0000 0001 2181 989X) 
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Nature Publishing Group
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Scholarly Journal
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