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Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage
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Dictionary of
Edited by
Richard Allsopp
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Dictionary of
English Usage
Edited by
Richard Allsopp
with a French and Spanish supplement
edited by
Jeannette Allsopp
University of the West Indies Press
•Trinidad & Tobago
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Dictionary of
English Usage
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University of the West Indies Press
1A Aqueduct Flats Mona
Kingston 7 Jamaica
This edition reprinted by the University of the West Indies Press by arrangement with Oxford University Press. First published by Oxford University Press in 1996.
© Oxford University Press 1996
© 2003 by The University of the West Indies Press All rights reserved. Published 2003
07 06 05 04 03 5 4 3 2 1
Dictionary of Caribbean English usage / edited by Richard Allsopp;
with a French and Spanish supplement edited by Jeannette Allsopp.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
Originally published: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
ISBN: 976-640-145-4
1. English language -- Caribbean Area -- Dictionaries. 2. English language -- Dialects -- Caribbean Area -- Dictionaries. 3. Creole dialects, English -- Caribbean Area -- Dictionaries. I. Allsopp, Richard (Stanley Reginald Richard). II. Allsopp, Jeanette.
Offset from the Oxford University Press edition of 1996 by the University of the West Indies Press.
Cover design by Robert Harris.
Printed in the United States of America.
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To harness, by naming, creation around;
To label, unwritten, folk thoughts that abound;
To fight life, with language sole arm of the fighter,
Their tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
How can I dialogue ...
if I start from the premise
that naming the world is the task of an elite,
and that the presence of the people in history
is a sign of deterioration which is to be avoided?
How can I dialogue ...
if I am closed to--and even offended by--
the contribution of others?
Paulo Freire,
The beginning of Wisdom
Knowing who you are.
Draw near and listen.
Swahili Proverb
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