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PG-Het PG-Queer
Girl Reel:
A Lesbian Remembers
Growing Up at the Movies
By Bonnie J. Morris
Coffee House Press
ISBN 156890942
Pb $14.95, 167 pp.
In Girl Reel, Bonnie J. Morris offers an intriguing, well-written glimpse of how media images of women during the past thirty years shaped her emerging lesbian sensibility. Morris, professor of women's studies at George Washington University and Georgetown University, and author of several books about the history of Jewish women and the history of women's music, tells the story of her own coming of age--and coming out--at the movies. All narratives in the collection involve movie outings that Morris posits are "a chunk of formative girl identity." Throughout a childhood and adolescence engaged in the national pastime of comparing herself to glamorous stereotypes onscreen, the author finds, as...