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Members of the Saudi royal family were yesterday sued for allegedly financing the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US, in a trillion-dollar lawsuit brought by a group of victims' families.
Three Saudi princes were among more than 70 defendants, which included several Saudi banks and Islamic institutions, the Sudanese government and the Saudi Bin Laden Group, a construction firm run by Osama Bin Laden's family.
The lawsuit is aimed at the heart of the Saudi royal establishment and bankrupting people and organisations that allegedly bankrolled the al-Qaida organisation. It is closely modelled on the lawsuit brought against Libya for the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight-103 over Lockerbie.
The 258-page, 15-count lawsuit was filed electronically yesterday in Alexandria, a Washington DC suburb near the Pentagon where other cases related to the attacks are under way. It is likely to represent yet another significant irritant in US-Saudi ties at a...