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Madonna Ray of Light (Maverick 9362 46847-2) Growing older gracefully was never an obvious route for Madonna Ciccione, but at 39 yesteryear's in-your-face girl is showing alarming signs of serene maturity. True, having your dog psychoanalysed is classic LA neurotic, but Ray of Light tells of a more reflective and more musical Madonna than we're used to. Some of the credit must go to Britain's William Orbit, an undervalued producer whom canny Maddie has recruited to furbish her songs with sumptuous, inventive electronic soundscapes. Post-Evita, Madonna's voice is no longer `Minnie Mouse on helium', but a controlled, if slightly mannered, instrument she'll never exhale the easy warmth of Ella or Aretha. Her lyricism, though, has deepened. The Eighties material girl is a born-again seeker, preaching an open heart, and chanting `Om Shanti' for Krishna. She can still deliver a high-energy dance number like the title track, but it's sensuous songs such as `Swim' and the single `Frozen' that stand out; music for the chill-out room.