
The knowledge age has overtaken the information age and assumptions about certain organizations have outlived their usefulness. These 21st century organizations, existing on the edge of chaos, are complex adaptive systems (CAS) and characterized by a multifaceted network of employees, suppliers, workers, customers, and competitors. These organizations must innovate or face inevitable organizational demise. Innovation is enacted through leadership processes which support improved decision-making and increase the diversity of options in an organization. The complexity leadership theory establishes a framework for adaptive, enabling, and administrative leadership in a CAS and fosters innovative outcomes.

The purpose of this quantitative study is to examine the relationship between leadership in complex adaptive systems, support for innovation, and team behavior (learning, norm strength, efficacy). Additionally, this study examined the mediating effects of these team behaviors on the relationship between complexity leadership and support for innovation.

The study addresses a gap in the literature by demonstrating the reliability and validity of the CLIM-10 as an instrument to measure the emergent leadership behaviors in a complex adaptive system. Secondarily, this study addresses a gap in the complexity leadership literature by finding empirical support for statistically significant relationships between complexity leadership behaviors and the organizational outcome of team learning, support for innovation, and team efficacy. Finally, this study provides support for the mediating relationship of team learning and efficacy on the relationship between complexity leadership and support for innovation.

Data were collected from an anonymous US Federal organization with the characteristics of a complex adaptive system. Specifically, an organization with semi-autonomous interactive agents, a mission requiring innovation and adaptation, and investment in research and development. As an open system, partners, suppliers, and interested stakeholders of the organization were considered.

Results found support for the relationship between complexity leadership and support for innovation. Additionally, there was support for the relationship between complexity leadership, team learning and team efficacy. Finally, there was support for the mediating role of team learning and efficacy on the relationship between complexity leadership and support for innovation. There was no support for the relationship between complexity leadership and team norm strength. There was also no support for team norm strengths mediating the relationship between complexity leadership and support for innovation.

This study advances the utility of the complexity leadership theory as a framework for producing outcomes in 21st century teams. This also study offers practical contributions to the field of organizational leadership through understanding leadership processes in complex adaptive systems.


An Examination of the Mediating Effects of Team Behaviors in Complex Adaptive Systems on the Relationship between Complexity Leadership and Support for Innovation
Cureton, Linda Yvette
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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