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A review of the ITA Journal archives reveals several annotated bibliographies for trombone solo literature. Among these are articles on 17th century trombone solos and chamber music, high school trombone solos, unaccompanied bass trombone solos, 20th century music for trombone and organ, Paris Conservatory solos, and music for trombone and string quartet. These bibliographies are useful resources for trombonists and educators seeking new literature for study and performance. The last 20 years have seen an incredible surge of new compositions written for our instrument along with a growing advocacy for diversity and equity in programming. This bibliography was compiled to help performers and educators discover new works by women composers. The first section is an annotated bibliography focusing only on solo compositions with piano accompaniment. Works were chosen based on availability, recent prominence, or historical significance, and are offered simply as a starting point to further exploration. A variety of styles, time periods, and composer backgrounds are offered to encompass a range of musical palates. Trombonists are encouraged to use the extended bibliography listing at the end of the article to further their research into women composers. As this list is continuously benefitting from new discoveries and commissions, please send additional repertoire suggestions to the author. For a current listing of all known solo and chamber works for trombone by women composers, visit:
Annotated Bibliography Key
A. Composer name
B. Title
C. Year of composition or copyright
D. Instrument required
Alto trombone
Trombone (Tenor if none specified]
Bass trombone
E. Movements if more than one
F. Duration
G. Performance notes
H. Range
I. Level of Difficulty (Intermediate: playable by most university students; Advanced: suitable for advanced undergraduate students or higher; Professional: suitable for the most advanced student or professional players)
J. Publisher/Source
APON, Saskia. A Dream of Fire (2002). Trombone and piano. 3:00. Short virtuosic show piece involving extended range and dynamics, rubato, multiple tonguing and trills. F-f2. Pro. Warwick Music.
APPLEDORN, Mary Jean van. Passages (1996). Trombone and piano. I. lento II. Poco mosso III. Recitative IV. Reflection V. Presto 8:15. Finalist of the 1996 British Trombone Society Composer's Competition. Modern work involving pianist playing on strings and trombone playing into the piano over the strings. Extreme register and dynamic changes. E-f2. Pro....