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HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn. Ed Bryant called on supporters in the pro-life, home-school and other conservative groups to help turn out a large vote for him in Thursdays Republican primary, warning that GOP control of Congress is at stake.
Go out and go the extra mile for this campaign and make sure we finish in first place. Were going to win. Carry the message out there that we literally could lose control of the United States Senate if we dont win in Tennessee.
And we wont win in Tennessee well lose this race to Congressman Ford, the Democrat if we dont send out the strongest and the best candidate from the Republican primary day after tomorrow. We know we can beat Congressman Ford, Bryant told a rally in this suburb north of Nashville Tuesday morning.
If Bryant beats GOP opponents Bob Corker and Van Hilleary, he said he can credit the efforts of hundreds of grassroots conservative activists like Michelle Hall, the home-schooling mother of five children who attended the rally and is working in a huge get-out-the-vote effort.
Corker and Hilleary also say theyre the strongest candidates to take on Democrat Harold Ford Jr. in the general election...