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Tuning In
Remember the Mark & Brian TV show that lasted a few weeks on NBC a couple of seasons ago? Neither do I. It was so bad I've been trying to forget it.
And until now I've been quite successful.
But the morning show team from KLOS-FM in Los Angeles now can be heard locally on KEDG-FM 103.5. The station has jettisoned localism for a syndicated show that has all the intelligence of a tin can.
Putting Mark & Brian on a modern rock station has to be one of the biggest bonehead moves a local radio station has ever made. It's a marriage made in hell.
For starters, Mark & Brian's sense of humor can only go over well in the brain-dead demographic. They give sophomoric humor a bad name.
Their idea of a fun morning is attempting to guess the names of some Otis Redding songs, based on playing snippets of several famous tunes, a bit they came up with during their local debut Tuesday morning. That loud sound you heard was the collective turning off of radios by KEDG listeners all across the city. Otis Redding is about as interesting to them as Bing Crosby was to my generation.
Which brings up a major problem. Mark & Brian are not on a modern rock format station. Local segues from alternative bands to the tail end of a Jimmy...