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Clint Eastwood, paying tribute to Sergio Leone at a film festival, said one of the joys of working with the late Italian director in the 1960s was that he lacked Hollywood's ingrained self-censorship.
``Sergio was not afraid to attack things that were forbidden,`` Eastwood said. ``For instance, you couldn't show a character getting shot. Sergio didn't know that, so he went ahead and filmed it.``
The two met in 1963, when Eastwood accepted an offer to go to Italy and make A Fistful of Dollars, a western modeled on Akira Kurosawa's samurai movie, Yojimbo.
The only Italian word Eastwood knew was arrivederci and the only English Leone knew was ``goodbye,`` the actor told movie buffs Wednesday at the Sundance United States Film Festival in Park City, Utah. As a result, Eastwood said, ``I just did my own thing and Sergio went along with it.`` Greetings head upward to Mozart
Top musicians penned birthday greetings to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, some of them poetic and some in the ``dear Mo`` vein, in case the famous composer can somehow get the message on his perch up in harmony heaven.
``From measure to measure each note is a treasure,`` rhymed the Cleveland...