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"This love is diffi cult but it's real," Taylor Swift croons in "Love Story," a song off her new album. This one lyric seems to set the theme for the entire CD. Most, if not all, of the songs are about love, in good times and bad. From a crush, to love promised and lost, to a child's love for a parent, and of course to the fairy tale-esque love stories, the 13-song, 50-minute album gives listeners a full picture of the emotion.
"Fearless," as the album is titled, has been eagerly awaited by fans such as myself. One of the first things I did when I realized it was Nov. 11 was to download the CD off of iTunes. Since then, I've had it on repeat on my iPod.
The title track starts the album off with Swift singing about a date that makes her feel like dancing "in a storm in her best dress." The...