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In December 2002 the Swiss Society for Ethnomusicology (CH-EM), in cooperation with the Centre for African Studies of the University of Basel and with mission 21 (formerly Basel Mission), organized a symposium on the theme "Popular Music from Ghana: Historical Records as a Contribution to the Study of African History and Culture." The conference concluded a week of lectures, workshops, and concerts with Ghanaian "palmwine" and Highlife music, a program which was realized in cooperation with the Basel Academy of Music and the two associations, Ghana Popular Music 1931-1957 and Scientific African e.V.1 The papers read at the symposium are, in our opinion, of interest to the readers of History in Africa, as they discuss a specific kind of source and the methodological issues pertaining to it, as well as offer insights into possible themes of research, giving some idea of the potential of the recordings as a source. We present the contributions here in a slightly revised form, and, in order to round off the discussion, we have invited the curators of two further sound collections of interest to scholars working on African history, to describe their archives.
The starting point for the conference was the unique collection of popular music recorded in west Africa by the Union Trade Company of Basel (UTC). This collection was recently transferred to the public archives of mission 21 and is being made accessible to the public. The objectives of the conference were two-fold. On the one hand it was to gather the expertise of specialists concerned with sound collections and to have them comment critically on the project. These specialists were present in...